Collection: Smith Collection
Page Name: Front cover
Name: [Homann Heirs Composite Atlases] 4
Barcode: 14003
Image Number: 14003
Permanent URL: https://oshermaps.org/map/14003.0001
Publishing Location: Nuremburg
Notes: The firm of Homann Erben continued from 1730 to 1852 when it was closed by Christoph Melchior Fembo. Five volume set of composite atlases most likely published by the Homann Heirs, a company formed after the death of Johann Christoph Homann, son of Johann Baptist Homann. The atlases include maps by Tobias Mayer (member of the firm), Matthaeus Seutter, Gerard Valck, Pieter Schenk, Frederik de Wit, Nicolas Visscher, Alexis-Hubert Jaillot. Volume one primarily contains maps by Johann Baptist Homann. Included is a large fold-out map of Sweden and Norway. Volume two includes maps of England and France. Volume three contains maps of the duchies of Europe. Also included are four small maps on two pages showing different alphabets and writing of Africa, America, Asia and Europe. Included is a fold-out map on linen of Germany by Josua Danckerts. Volume four is primarily Germany with a fold-out map of Saxonia. Volume five contains maps of North and South America, India, China, Carribbean. Included is a map with text highlighting the kingdoms of David and Solomon.
Date Produced: 1700
Date Published: 1700
Language: Various
Dimensions: Height: 53
Physical Description: 5 atlases: illustrated, color maps
LC Call Number: G1015 .H6 1737
OCLC: 933760145
Accession Number: SM-1700-20.5
Donor: Smith