Collection: Osher Map Library Collection
Page Name: General Atlas [scrapbook. Front cover]
Name: General Atlas [scrapbook]
Barcode: 50194
Image Number: 50194
Permanent URL:
Notes: Atlas contains world maps and fold-outs. An anonymous scrapbooker glued in clippings from various newspapers such as The Times, Daily Express and articles from the New York Times concerning the American Civil War in the year 1862. Of interest is an insert of the Russian Railway Debentures pertaining to the Hango Railway Company which connected Hango in Finland to St. Petersburg in Russia; sketch maps of new waterworks of St. Petersburg and the Northern Railway of Canada; fold-out map of the city of London and an engraving of the Suez Canal and the lighthouse at Port-Said. Included is the news pamphlet Public Opinion from August 28, 1875 about the insurrection in Herzegovina.
Issued with : Six maps of the stars published under the superintendence of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge. Published by Baldwin and Cradock in 1830.
Author: Anonymous / Unknown AuthorMickleburgh, James
Publisher: George Cox & Co.
Date Published: 1854
Language: English
Type: Scrapbooks
Dimensions: 42 x 34.5 cm
LC Call Number: G1019.M5 1854
OCLC: 973933975
Accession Number: OML-1854-64