The Kingdom of Great Britaine and Ireland performed by John Speede
Collection: Michie Collection
Name: The Kingdom of Great Britaine and Ireland performed by John Speede
Barcode: 128
Creator: Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612Humble, George, -1640Speed, John, 1552?-1629Sudbury, John
Date/Date Range Produced: 1610
Date/Date Range Published: 1610
Language: English
Region Depicted: Edinburgh, ScotlandEnglandGreat BritainIrelandLondon, EnglandOrkney Islands, ScotlandScotland
Dimensions: 38 x 52 cm
Printing Process: Engraving
Printing Technique: Copper
Material Type: Paper
Notes: Note: "Graven by J. Hondius and are to be solde by J. Sudbury and George Humble in Pope's Head Alley in London, cum privilegio regis 1610."
From: The Generall of Great Britaine, Book 1, Chapter 1
Verso: Description of map in English
Insets: Views of Edinburgh and London and a map of the Orkney Islands.
LC Call Number: G5750 .S6 1610
OCLC: 80017892
Accession Number: MI-1610-3
Permenant URL:; 128.0002