Carte de l'Ancienne Campania Felice Dressée par Camillo Pellegrino Extraite de son Ouvrage sur les Antiquitea de Capone.

Collection: Osher Map Library Collection

Name: Carte de l'Ancienne Campania Felice Dressée par Camillo Pellegrino Extraite de son Ouvrage sur les Antiquitea de Capone.

Barcode: 12987

Creator: Drouet, Théodore Toussaint, active 1780-1831Pellegrino, Camillo

Publishing Location: Paris

Notes: Date is an approximation. Pellegrino was a cartographer around the end of the 18th century. Drouet was the engraver and worked for [Vicente] Torfino de San Miguel ca. 1786. Perrier, another engraver and mapseller in Paris worked for Bonne and Clermont. Notes below neat line: "Gravee? par Perrier". "Ecrite par Drou?et."

Date/Date Range Produced: 1782

Date/Date Range Published: 1782

Language: French

Dimensions: 26 x 37

Printing Process: Engraving

Printing Technique: Copper

Material Type: Paper

OCLC: 610059167

Accession Number: OML-1782-7

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