Pure Oil Pathfinder for a Century of Progress Exposition 1934

Collection: Osher Map Library Collection

Name: Pure Oil Pathfinder for a Century of Progress Exposition 1934

Barcode: 54356

Creator: Bodeen, George H.

Publishing Location: Chicago

Publisher: Rand McNally and Company

Date/Date Range Published: 1934

Language: English

Region Depicted: Chicago, Illinois

Map Type: Bird's-eye viewsCity mapsPictorial mapsThematic maps

Dimensions: 23 x 81 cm folded to 23 x 10 cm

LC Call Number: G4104.C6Q48 1934.R3

OCLC: 1008176095

Subjects: World's Fair

Permenant URL: https://oshermaps.org/map/54356.0001; 54356.0002