[Scientific and natural phenomenon] Calculation of the longitude of Portland by George Blackburn ; Calculation of the longitude of Mountjoy by Captain Moody.

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: [Scientific and natural phenomenon] Calculation of the longitude of Portland by George Blackburn ; Calculation of the longitude of Mountjoy by Captain Moody.

Barcode: 43210

Creator: Blackburn, George, 1765-1823Moody, Lemuel, 1767-1846

Notes: Two oversize sheets of astronomical observations to calculate the longitude of Portland and Mountjoy, Portland, Maine, dated 1821 and 1831.

Date/Date Range Produced: 1821 - 1831

Language: English


LC Call Number:


Donor: Osher

Permenant URL: https://oshermaps.org/map/43210.0001; 43210.0002; 43210.0003; 43210.0004