Memorandum of an agreement entered into this 30th day of May 1825 between Seward Porter, Lemuel Moody & Geo. Derring on the one part K& D.G. Johnson on the other part...

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Memorandum of an agreement entered into this 30th day of May 1825 between Seward Porter, Lemuel Moody & Geo. Derring on the one part K& D.G. Johnson on the other part...

Barcode: 43218

Creator: Moody, Lemuel, 1767-1846

Notes: [Charting Portland Harbor]

Date/Date Range Produced: 1825

Date/Date Range Published: 1825

Language: English


LC Call Number:


Donor: Osher

Permenant URL:; 43218.0002