Missions Catholiques aux Etats-Unis

Collection: Osher Map Library Collection

Name: Missions Catholiques aux Etats-Unis

Barcode: 49889

Creator: Hauserman, R.

Date/Date Range Produced: 1900

Date/Date Range Published: 1900

Language: French

Dimensions: 79 x 106 cm

Notes: Approximately 1900 The Societe des Missions Etrangeres de Paris is a Roman Catholic missionary organization of secular priests and lay persons dedicated to missionary work in foreign lands. Its primary focus was to adapt to local customs, establish native clergy and keep in close contact with the Vatican.

LC Call Number: G3701.E42 1900 D8

OCLC: 986799980

Accession Number: OML-1900-135

Permenant URL: https://oshermaps.org/map/49889.0001