A plan of that part of the District of Alfred within the vicinity of the Meetinghouse, taken for the purpose of shewing & proving the accommodations that can be had there for holding a Supreme Judicial Court, by copy, (signed) Wm. Parsons Survey

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: A plan of that part of the District of Alfred within the vicinity of the Meetinghouse, taken for the purpose of shewing & proving the accommodations that can be had there for holding a Supreme Judicial Court, by copy, (signed) Wm. Parsons Survey

Barcode: 934

From Atlas: No

Notes: Manuscript, in ink

Surveyor: Parsons, William

Date/Date Range Produced: 1821

Language: English

Region Depicted: Alfred, Maine

Map Type: City maps

Dimensions: H 77 x W 50 cm.

Printing Technique: Manuscript

Material Type: Paper

LC Call Number:

OCLC: 893908677

Donor: Osher

Subjects: Alfred (Me.)MaineMaine--MapsManuscript map

Permenant URL: https://oshermaps.org/map/934.0001