La Descrittione di tutto il Peru

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: La Descrittione di tutto il Peru

Barcode: 283

Creator: Forlani, PaoloLafréry, Antoine, 1512-1577

Publishing Location: Verona

Notes: First large scale depiction of South America to appear in print.

Date/Date Range Produced: 1566

Date/Date Range Published: 1566

Language: Italian

Dimensions: 52 cm. x 36 cm. on sheet 59 x44 cm.

Printing Process: Engraving

Printing Technique: Copper

Material Type: Paper

LC Call Number: G5200 1566 .F6

OCLC: 859159776

Accession Number: OS-1566-1

Donor: Osher

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