Military Maps of All Theaters of Operation. Military Maps of Asia-Europe, Strategic map of Korea, Operational Map of the World Featuring Bomber Ranges, Air & Naval Bases, Ship and Air Routes, Military Supply Lines

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Military Maps of All Theaters of Operation. Military Maps of Asia-Europe, Strategic map of Korea, Operational Map of the World Featuring Bomber Ranges, Air & Naval Bases, Ship and Air Routes, Military Supply Lines

Barcode: 2622

Publishing Location: New York

Notes: Verso: Military maps featuring Asia, Europe, and KoreaVerso: World map titled "Hammond's Operational Map of the World on Mercator's Projection."

Date/Date Range Produced: 1950

Date/Date Range Published: 1950

Language: English

Dimensions: H 54 x W 74 cm

LC Call Number:

OCLC: 17861692

Donor: Osher

Permenant URL:; 2622.0002