Maine transportation map : highways, railroads, canals, air lanes, and dredged channels

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Maine transportation map : highways, railroads, canals, air lanes, and dredged channels

Barcode: 46228

Creator: United States. Department of Agriculture

Notes: Published 1921, 1925

Publisher: United States. Public Roads Administration

Date/Date Range Produced: 1936

Date/Date Range Published: 1936

Region Depicted: Androscoggin County, MaineCumberland County, MaineFranklin County, MaineKennebec County, MaineKnox County, MaineLincoln County, MaineMaineOxford County, MaineSagadahoc County, MaineSomerset County, MaineWaldo County, Maine


LC Call Number:

OCLC: 55093128

Donor: Osher

Permenant URL:; 46228.0002