North America Index Map to Canada and the United States

Collection: Smith Collection

Name: North America Index Map to Canada and the United States

Barcode: 2192

Date/Date Range Produced: 1834

Date/Date Range Published: 1834

Language: English

Dimensions: 36 x 32

Printing Process: Engraving

Printing Technique: Copper

Material Type: Paper

Notes: Includes census of 1830 and scales for canals. Notes: "Published Septr. 29th 1834 by Baldwin & Cradock 47 Paternoster Row London" "Published under the supervision of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge" "J. & C. Walker sculpt."

LC Call Number: G3300 .B7 1834

OCLC: 180139189

Accession Number: SM-1834-15

Donor: Smith

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