A new map of ye Isthmus of Darien in America, the Bay of Panama, the Gulph of Vallona or St. Michael with its islands & countries adjacent

Collection: Smith Collection

Name: A new map of ye Isthmus of Darien in America, the Bay of Panama, the Gulph of Vallona or St. Michael with its islands & countries adjacent

Barcode: 1836

Creator: Senex, John, -1740

Date/Date Range Produced: 1721

Date/Date Range Published: 1721

Language: English

Dimensions: 30 x 49 cm. and 20 x 49 cm on sheet 59 x 49 cm

Printing Process: Engraving

Printing Technique: Copper

Material Type: Paper

Notes: Dedication: "Most humbly inscrib'd to John Haldane of Gleneagles Esqr.: one of the hon:ble Commissioners of Police & Customs for North Britain."

LC Call Number: G4872 .S4 1721

OCLC: 166421439

Accession Number: SM-1721-4

Donor: Smith

Permenant URL: https://oshermaps.org/map/1836.0001