The Scots Settlement in America called New Caledonia, A.D. 1699 ... according to an Origenal Draught by H. Moll Geographer

Collection: Smith Collection

Name: The Scots Settlement in America called New Caledonia, A.D. 1699 ... according to an Origenal Draught by H. Moll Geographer

Barcode: 1853

Creator: Moll, Herman, 1654 -1732

Notes: Appears in the author's "Atlas Minor," 1729.Depths shown by sounding.

Date/Date Range Produced: 1729

Date/Date Range Published: 1729

Language: English

Dimensions: H 25 x W 21 cm

Printing Process: Engraving

Printing Technique: Copper

Material Type: Paper

LC Call Number: G4872.C25 1699 .M6

OCLC: 11443584

Donor: Smith

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