New Detailed Western Front War Map showing main lines, branch lines and narrow gauge railroads, water courses, canals, main roads, boundaries of countries ... with pronouncing index of place names and principal rivers

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: New Detailed Western Front War Map showing main lines, branch lines and narrow gauge railroads, water courses, canals, main roads, boundaries of countries ... with pronouncing index of place names and principal rivers

Barcode: 43462

Notes: Title on map: "Western theatre, European war; Ancillary map Italian battle front"

Publisher: National Map Company

Date/Date Range Produced: 1918

Date/Date Range Published: 1918

Language: English

Dimensions: 8279.0001: H 56 x W 86.5 cm
8279.0002: H 56 x W 86.5 cm
8279.0003: H 20.2 x W 12.5 cm
8279.0004: H 20.2 x W 25.2 cm
8279.0005: H 20.2 x W 12.5 cm

LC Call Number:

OCLC: 17790038

Donor: Osher

Subjects: World War, 1914-1918

Permenant URL:; 43462.0002; 43462.0003; 43462.0004; 43462.0005