Maine Drawn by S. Lewis Engd. by Hooker

Collection: Smith Collection

Name: Maine Drawn by S. Lewis Engd. by Hooker

Barcode: 4678

Creator: Array

Printmaker: Hooker, William

From Atlas: No

Notes: Note: "The northern part of this District are very full of Lakes &c. with many very high mountains: but their situations are not correctly known." Penciled notation on map: "Arrowsmith & Lewis, 1804."

Date/Date Range Produced: 1804

Date/Date Range Published: 1804

Language: English

Region Depicted: Maine

Map Type: Geographical

Dimensions: 21 x 26 cm

Printing Process: Engraving

Printing Technique: Copper

Material Type: Paper

OCLC: 47709533

Accession Number: SM-1804-13

See Also: Maine, 1804

Donor: Smith

Subjects: MaineMaine--MapsRivers

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