Atlas Historique

Collection: Smith Collection

Name: Atlas Historique

Barcode: 13937

Author: Lotter, Tobias Conrad, 1717-1777Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756

Date Produced: 1730

Date Published: 1730

Language: French

Dimensions: maps 21 x 27 cm., folded to 10 x 7 cm.

Physical Description: 1 atlas (2 slip cases (24 leaves of plates), hand colored maps

Notes: Each map in engraved pictorial paper slip case. Majority of the maps are signed by Tobias Conrad Lotter as sculpsit; others are by Andr. Silbereisen

LC Call Number: G1015.S475 1730

OCLC: 44095087

Accession Number: SM-1730-18.2

Donor: Smith

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