Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Russiae Vulgo Muscoviae Tabula

Collection: Osher Map Library Collection

Name: Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Russiae Vulgo Muscoviae Tabula


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From Atlas:

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Notes: Note below title: "a Justo Danckerts Amstelodami cum Previlegio Ordinum Holland: et West-urisae." Map includes manuscript notations in French related to the 1784 annexation of parts of the Crimea and Finland to Russia during the reign of Catherine II of Russia. Copy 2; copy 1 is OML-1688-4.

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Dimensions: 48 x 56 cm

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Historical Context: This map could be a later strike in use up to 1727 when the Danckerts firm sold their business to the Ottens family, Dutch publishers and engravers of Amsterdam.

OCLC: 682956327


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