Congratulatory Statement from George Mitchell

To commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the Osher Map Library and Smith Center for Cartographic Education, former U.S. Senator from Maine George Mitchell took the time to record a statement in honor of the legacy of the institution and the families involved in its founding. We are happy to share the video with you.


Open Letter by George Mitchell on the 20th Anniversary

Twenty years ago, on Oct. 16, 1994, I had the great pleasure of speaking at the opening of the new OML. In the two decades since it first opened, the combined Smith and Osher collections have grown from 20,000 items to more than 400,000 maps of all sorts, with continued purchases by the Oshers and many gifts from donors in Maine and beyond…

Click here to read full letter


Twentieth Anniversary Closing Exhibition: 
Masterpieces at USM: Celebrating Five Centuries of Rare Maps and Globes

Current Exhibition