Collection: Osher Collection
Name: Carta Particolare della nuoua Belgia e parte della nuoua Anglia. La longitudine Cominca da l'Isola di Pico d'Asores D'America Carva II
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From Atlas:
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Notes: Bottom left corner "AF: Lucini Fece."
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Dimensions: H 54.7 x W 43.3 cm
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Historical Context: This map, made by a nobleman exiled from the court of Elizabeth I, is the first detailed coastal chart of New England and the eastern coast of North America. Dudley took most of his information from existing Dutch maps. He did add new information from English chart-makers, including the depth-soundings over the fishing banks. The apparently English place names in New England are derived from John Smith's map of New England, but they have been interspersed in new locations among the older names that Smith tried to supersede.
OCLC: 826027198
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