Please send any comments about this web site, its content or its design, to Matthew H. Edney. All comments are very welcome!
About the Logo The exhibition logo is taken from a vignette on item 37: Thomas Sedgewick Steele and W. R. Curtis, Map of Moosehead Lake, found with Steele’s Canoe and Camera or Two Hundred Miles Through the Maine Forests (New York: Orange Judd Co., 1880). A varient of the vignette was repeated on the cover and within the book itself (item 49).
Exhibition Credits
The exhibition was curated by Nathan D. Hamilton, associate professor of archaeology, University of Southern Maine. Valuable assistance was given by Prof. Matthew H. Edney, Dr. Harold L. Osher, and Yolanda Theunissen. The curator particularly appreciates the cooperation of Nicholas Noyes of the Maine Historical Society, James S. Henderson of the Maine State Archives, and James Bradley and Malinda Blustain of the Robert S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology. The professional assistance of Christi A. Mitchell, the staffs of the Media & Community Relations and the Publications & Marketing departments of USM, and Jay York Affordable Photo is gratefully acknowledged, as is the technical assistance of Stuart Hunter and Marie Curcio.
The exhibition is enhanced by the loan of objects from the following collections: Maine Historical Society; Maine State Archives; Robert S. Peabody Museum of Archaeology; Nathan and Gerald D. Hamilton; Maine Archaeological Society, Inc.; Kennard Collection; Sherman-French Collection, USM; Moosehead Marine Museum; and Edward S. “Zip” Kellogg.
The website was prepared by Prof. Matthew H. Edney, May 22nd, 1997. Mr. Adam Tambone prepared the graphics, which were added to the website on July 29th, 1997.