Theater of War in Europe, Africa and Western Asia Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic magazine James M. Darley, chief cartographer

Collection: Osher Map Library Collection

Name: Theater of War in Europe, Africa and Western Asia Compiled and Drawn in the Cartographic Section of the National Geographic Society for the National Geographic magazine James M. Darley, chief cartographer


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Notes: Notes below neat line: "Copyright 1942 by The National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C.;" "Printed by A. Hoen and Co. Lithographers, Baltimore, Md., U.S.A."Note: "Azimuthal Equidistant Projection...International boundaries as of Sept. 1, 1939, the day Germany invaded Poland."World War II map.Includes airline distance chart.

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Dimensions: 75 x 64 cm

LC Call Number: G5696.S7 1942 .N38

OCLC: 6183335

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