Collection: Osher Map Library Collection
Name: Terra Sancta a Petro Laicstain perlustrata, et ab eius ore et Schedis a Christiano Schrot in tabulam redacta
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Notes: Additamentum III. Latin edition. Includes Latin text in letterpress on verso without page number.
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Dimensions: 37 x 51 cm. on sheet 46 x 58 cm.
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Historical Context: The map was designed by Sgrooten based on geographical research of Peter Laicksteen (Laicstain-Liestain), a Dutch astronomer who had published a book in 1566 on his observations from his recent travels to the Holy Land. Map date based on the last line of Latin text in italic, "cium exequatur. Per Christum Dominum nostrum, Amen." (Koeman's 31:030)--cf. Van den Broecke. The map is from the Ortelius 1584 edition of the Theatrum orbis terrarum printed in Antwerp by Christopher Plantin, and was the first printing of the map which appears in all editions until 1612. It illustrated how the Holy Land would appear for one approaching by ship, which was the normal mode of travel for pilgrims.
LC Call Number: G7500 1584 .S56
OCLC: 80696384
Accession Number: OML-1584-6
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