Collection: Osher Map Library Collection
Name: Victoires et Conquetes de la Religion Catholique
Image Number:
From Atlas:
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Notes: Approximately 1865. Date from seller's information. "Nota: Les teintes plates indiquent les conquetes generales du christianisme dans chaque siecle. Les chiffres entre parentheses (IV) indiquent en detail, pour chaque contree ou localite le siecle dans lequel elle a ite convertie. Les partes restees blanches sont celles out le christianisme n'a pas penetre, ou celles ou il n'y a encore eu que des missions." [Translation] "Note: Flat tints indicate the general conquests of Christianity in each century. The figures in parentheses (IV) indicate in detail, for each county or locality, the century in which it was converted. The white remains are those where Christianity has not penetrated, or those where there have been only missions."
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Dimensions: 68.6 x 52.1 cm
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Historical Context: Shows the spread of Catholicism from the 1st to the 19th century. Includes various religious iconography.
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