Collection: Osher Collection
Name: A Description of the Towne of Mannados: or New Amsterdam as it was in September, 1661 lying in Latitude 40de and 40m Anno Domini 1644 1664
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Notes: At head of title: "The Duke's Plan"Facsimile by Geo. H. Moore, 1858 Copy of a manuscript map attributed to Jacques Cortelyou and now in the British Library. Covers Manhattan Island south of modern Wall Street, New York (N.Y.) Shows buildings and other urban features. Shows ships pictorially.Above title: "The Duke's Plan"Map includes note from Moore explaining that this is a facsimile of a map he discovered in the British Museum"Attributed to Henry D. Tyler.Pen-and-ink (black and color), watercolor on paper.
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OCLC: 55046426
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