Diagram of the transcontinental lines of road, showing the original Central Pacific and Union Pacific and their competitors.
Osher Map Library Collection
Name: Diagram of the transcontinental lines of road, showing the original Central Pacific and Union Pacific and their competitors.
Barcode: 54615
Image Number: 54615.0001
Publishing Location: Washington D.C.
Brief Description: One of three railway maps in the Pacific Railway Commission's report on the U.S. Government's subsidies of the railroads that became a political issue in the 1884 presidential election. Includes major railroads with colored lines and engraved text. Competitors are represented with small black lines and their names. Included are sea routes that are also named.
Publisher: United States. Government Printing Office.
Date/Date Range Published: 1887
Language: English
Region Depicted: United States
Map Type: GeographicalHistorical mapsRailroad maps
Dimensions: 50 x 55 cm
Historical Context: One of three maps that was involved in the controversy over United States grants to subsidize railroad construction.
LC Call Number: G3701.P3 1887 D5
OCLC: 44262303
Accession Number: OML-1887-88
Subjects: RailroadsTransportation
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