Collection: Osher Collection
Name: Duche de Bretaigne Dessigne par le Sieur Hardy Mareschal des logis du Roy, Avec Privilege de sa Maieste Amstelodami Apud Ioannem Ianssonium
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From Atlas:
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Notes: From: Atlas Novus, Volume 2. Originally this copy had Melchior Tavernier's name and address on the map but it was erased, but still visible. Tavernier sold maps by Blaeu, Jodocus Hondius and Jan Jansson. Verso: Text in Latin
Atlas Reference:
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Dimensions: 38 x 50 cm. on sheet 46 x 57 cm.
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LC Call Number: G5833.B7 1646 .J3
OCLC: 864027802
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