Collection: Osher Collection
Name: Destrvccio Iherosolime, copy 2
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From Atlas:
Notes: From the Nuremberg Chronicle. Verso: Text and illustrations of the destruction of Jerusalem.
Atlas Reference:
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Dimensions: 26 x 54 cm., on sheet 46 x 60 cm.
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Historical Context: This dramatic woodcut synopsizes six destructions of Jerusalem and constitutes one of the earliest obtainable city views. The map shows the Temple of Solomon ablaze and attended by casually conversing onlookers. The Holy Sepulcher and Calvary are along the top. Shown to the right is Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, and pictured to the left on a mountain are Satan and Christ, illustrating The Temptation.
LC Call Number: G7504.J3 70 .S32
OCLC: 811346063
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