Collection: Smith Collection
Name: A New and Accurate Map of North America, (wherein the Errors of all preceeding British, French and Dutch maps, respecting the rights of Great Britain, France & Spain & the Limits of each of His Majesty's Provinces, are Corrected)
Image Number:
Notes: Notes: "Humbly inscribed to the Honorable Charles Townshend, one of the Right Honorable Lords Commissioners for executing the Office of Lord High Admiral of Great Britain &c. By his Most Obliged, most Obedient and Very Humble Servant Huske." "Tho: Kitchin, Sculpt."Inset map: "A Map of Hudsons Bay &c."Includes explanatory text.
Physical Description:
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Dimensions: H 43 x W 52.8 cm
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LC Call Number: G3300 1755 .H8
OCLC: 55073980
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