Collection: Story Collection
Name: Maps of the Boer Republics and the War in the Philippines with all Africa and the Eastern China and a Complete Set of Maps showing Greater Britain and its Dependencies around the World published by Matthews-Northrup Co.
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From Atlas:
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Notes: Note above title: "Newly Engraved Large Scale" At head of cover: "The White Man's Burden."
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Dimensions: 48 x 62 cm
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Historical Context: The phrase "The White Man's Burden" on the cover of this foldout map comes from a poem "The White Man's Burden" published by British writer Rudyard Kipling in February 1899. In the poem, Kipling exhorts America to follow the imperalist model of the British Empire and other European colonial powers. Kipling's poem was written in the context of the Spanish-American and Philippine-American Wars, at a time when plans for the annexation and colonization of the Philippine Islands by the United States were hotly debated within governmental circles as well as the wider American populace.
LC Call Number: G5730 .M3 1899
OCLC: 56090654
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