Collection: Smith Collection
Name: A Map of the Province of New York, with part of Pensilvania, and New England, from an actual survey by Captain Montresor, engineer, 1775. P. Andrews, sculp
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Dimensions: 144 x 93 cm. on 2 sheets 75 x 96 cm. and 76 x 98 cm.
Notes: "Inscribed: To the Right Honourable Sir Jeffery Amherst ... by his most obliged humble servant, John Montre?sor, engineer" Shows administrative divisions Includes continuations of Lake Champlain and the Connecticut River. Sectioned and mounted on cloth backing
Physical Description: 1 map: hand colored
LC Call Number: G3800 1775 .M6
OCLC: 5401125
Accession Number: SM-1775-20.1
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