Collection: Osher Collection
Name: Maine and the Disputed Territory
Image Number:
From Atlas:
Notes: Note: "Vol. IV.__39" Verso: Magazine article about the U.S and Great Britain's dispute over the area covered by the map.Map contains landmarks: Portland; Sebago Pond; Androscoggin River; Augusta; Kennebec River; Moosehead Lake; Belfast; Bangor; Penobscot River; Schoodic Lake; St. Croix River; Passamaquoddy Bay; St. John's River; Mars Hill; Aroostook River; Allagash River; Wallootook River; Madawaska River; Highlands; River St. Lawrence; Houlton; Quebec.Includes boundaries lines proposed and claimed by the Treaty of 1783, Great Britain, and the King of the Netherlands.Land sold by Maine is included.
Brief Description:
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Dimensions: 19 x 14 cm. on sheet 27 x 17 cm.
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OCLC: 47709828
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