Harbors of Black Rock and Bridgeport

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Harbors of Black Rock and Bridgeport


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Notes: Notes above neat line: "Harbor Map No." (no number listed) "Electrotype No. 1 by J. Mathiot U.S.C.S." Note: "Founded upon a Trigonometrical Survey under the direction of F.R. Hassler, Superintendent of the Survey of the Coast of the United States Triangulation by J. Ferguson Assistant Topography by C.M. Eakin Assistant Hydrography by the party under the command of Lieutenant G.S. Blake Published in 1848 A.D. Bache Superintendent" Notes under neat line: "Reduction for Engraving by M.I. McClery Assistant, with some additions by J.M. Wampler Draughtsman. Topography Engraved by S.T. Pettit, apprentice, finished by F. Dankworth, O.A. Lawson & A. Rolle?. Lettering by F. Dankworth and J. Knight." Gifford Family Nautical Charts

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Dimensions: 44 x 36 cm on sheet 58 x 47 cm

Physical Description: 1 chart: illustrated

OCLC: 66525110

Accession Number: OS-1848-28


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