Collection: Story Collection
Name: Map Exhibiting The Navigable Rivers, The Completed & Proposed Canals & Rail-Roads of Great Britain & Ireland, With The Coal Fields, Light Houses &c.
Image Number:
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Notes: Note: "Engraved by Charles Copley N. York" Does not include northern and central Scotland. Inset maps: "Dublin Bay" "Caledonian Canal" "Ramsgate Basin Harbour" "River Thames from London to the Goodwin Sands with Part of Kent"
Date/Date Range Produced: 1859
Region Depicted:
Dimensions: 52 x 60
Physical Description: 1 map: illustrated
LC Call Number: G5740.P53 C6 1859
OCLC: 18264312
Accession Number: ST-1859-13
Permanent URL: