U.S. maps showing the states having sterilization laws in 1910-1920-1930-1940.
Osher Map Library Collection
Name: U.S. maps showing the states having sterilization laws in 1910-1920-1930-1940.
Barcode: 58474
Image Number: 58474.0001
Publishing Location: Princeton, New Jersey
Brief Description: Circular distributed by Birthright, Inc. fo New Jersey between 1943 and 1945. It informed Americans of the sterilization legislation being passed across the United States. Included is a table of statistics showing that over 40,000 Americans had been sterilized.
Publisher: Birthright, Inc.,
Date/Date Range Published: 1943
Language: English
Region Depicted: United States
Map Type: GeographicalHistorical maps
Dimensions: 4 black and white maps on one sheet , H 28 x W 43 cm folded to H 21 x W 9 cm
LC Call Number: HQ 755.5 1943 B5
OCLC: 1380097898
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