Imperium Romano-Germani cum in suos Circulos Electorat et Status Summâ curâ et Studio divisum aeri insculpt et venale prostans apud Matth. Seutter S. C. M. Geogr. Aug. Vind.

↑ Parent: Atlas Novus sive tabulae geographicae totius orbis faciem partes imperia regna et provincias exhibentes exactissima cura iuxta recentissimas observation aeri incisae et venum exposite a Matthaeo Seutter.

Collection: Smith Collection

Name: Imperium Romano-Germani cum in suos Circulos Electorat et Status Summâ curâ et Studio divisum aeri insculpt et venale prostans apud Matth. Seutter S. C. M. Geogr. Aug. Vind.


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Notes: Notandum In hac Mappa Circuli Imperi, per Lineolas cum interjectis Punctis terminati sunt hoc modo Territoria intra dictos Circulos talibus inclusa punctis ad alios Circulos pertinent E. G. Comitatus Plessen in Saxonia infer pertinent ad Circulum Rhenamum superior. Territorium ErFordiense in Circulo Saxonie superior et Eichfeld pertinent ad Circulum Electoralem Rheni Territoria omnia punctis in Gircula West phalico inclusa et etiam omnia ista in Grculo superioris Rheni reperta pertinent ad Circulum Rheni ElectoralemTerritoria in Circulo Electorali punctis inclusa pertinent ad Circulum Rheni super exceptis Prum et Manderscheid qui Grculo Westphalico in corporati sunt et Comit Erpach qui ad Gircul Francon pertinent Omnes punctati Limites Girculi Suevicj pertinent ad Circul Austriacum Episcopat Basileensis pertinet ad Cirulum Rhenamum superior Ducat Limburg pars Septentrionalis pertinet ad Provinciarum unitarum Status General Pars meridional autem ad Circul Burgundicum ut et pars meridional Geldrice Rough Translation: This map must Empire groups, along with the incremental distances points are terminated, this territory included within these circles with dots belong to another circle E. G. County Plessen in Saxony Reach belong to the circle rhenama higher. The territory erfordiensis the Circle Saxony upper and Eichfeld belong to the circle Electoralem Reno territories of all the points in Gircula West phalic included and also includes all these Grculo upper Rhine discovered belong to the circle Reno ElectoralemTerritoria the Circle Electorali points included belong to the circle of the Rhine, the exception Priim and Manderscheid and Grculo of Westphalia in the incorporated, they are, and the Comit Erpach who had come to Gircul Francon belong All are dotted to the limites or Girculi Suevicj belong to the circle of Austria is about Episeopat Basileensis belongs to the Cirule rhenama the higher should ever guide Limburg Limburg part of the shares the northern of the provinces, and the united States general the southern part of the area of ​​the circle the house of Burgundy as well as part of the meridional Geldrice

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