For Gen. J. G. Barnard Chief Engineer Army of Potomac Reconnaissance of the secession works at Yorktown, VA. made by Lieut. Abbot, Topl. Engrs. and at Gloucester, VA. made by Lieut. Comstock, Eng'rs.

↑ Parent: Atlas to accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies published under the direction of the Hon. Redfield Proctor Secretary of War Maj. George B. Davis U.S.A. Mr. Leslie J. Perry Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley Board of Publication Compiled by Capt. Colvin D. Cowles 23d. U.S. Infantry Part III.

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: For Gen. J. G. Barnard Chief Engineer Army of Potomac Reconnaissance of the secession works at Yorktown, VA. made by Lieut. Abbot, Topl. Engrs. and at Gloucester, VA. made by Lieut. Comstock, Eng'rs.


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Alternative Title: Sketch exhibiting the position of Yorktown with the approaches from reconnaissance and survey between the 5th and 10th of April 1862 by command of Maj. Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, U.S.A. commanding the Army of the Potomac; For Gen. J. G. Barnard Reconnaissance of Red Redoubt Group to right of Yorktown; The position of Yorktown with the approaches from reconnaissance and surveys

Notes: "May 4th, 1862" "May 6th, 1862" "Between April 5th 1862 & April 10th 1862" "April 21st, 1862" 1862 - Inscribed on Map

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