Plate IV. Plan of a portion of the siege operations against the defenses of Charleston Harbor showing the Left Batteries: 1. Batteries erected against Fort Wagner prior to July 18th 1863. 2. Part of the breaching batteries erected against Fort Sumter used also against Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg.

↑ Parent: Atlas to accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies published under the direction of the Hon. Stephen B. Elkins, Secretary of War Maj. George B. Davis U.S.A. Mr. Leslie J. Perry Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley Board of Publication Compiled by Capt. Colvin D. Cowles 23d. U.S. Infantry Part IX.

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Plate IV. Plan of a portion of the siege operations against the defenses of Charleston Harbor showing the Left Batteries: 1. Batteries erected against Fort Wagner prior to July 18th 1863. 2. Part of the breaching batteries erected against Fort Sumter used also against Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg.


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Alternative Title: Plate III. BIS Sections of Approaches; Sketch showing the operations of the Army of the Potomac from Nov. 26 to Dec. 3, 1863.; Plate III. Plan of a portion of the siege operations against the defenses of Charleston Harbor prior to the capture of Fort Wagner, Sept. 7, 1863 showing: 1. Defensive lines across Morris Isld. 2. Approaches and batteries against Ft. Wagner 3. Part of the breachng. batters. against Ft. Sumter

Notes: "July 18th" "November 26th and December 3rd" 1863 - Inscribed on Map

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