Map of Orange County &c., VA. embracing the details and plans of operations of Confederate and Federal forces at Mine Run and Rapidan River

↑ Parent: Atlas to accompany the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies published under the direction of the Hon. Stephen B. Elkins, Secretary of War Maj. George B. Davis U.S.A. Mr. Leslie J. Perry Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley Board of Publication Compiled by Capt. Colvin D. Cowles 23d. U.S. Infantry Part IX.

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Map of Orange County &c., VA. embracing the details and plans of operations of Confederate and Federal forces at Mine Run and Rapidan River


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Alternative Title: Part of map of portions of the military departments of Washington, Pennsylvania, Annapolis and Northeastern Virginia; [Map 3: Position of the Army of the Tennessee, near Atlanta, GA., July 22, 1864]; [Map 4: Vicinity of Browning's Court-House, GA., July, 1864]; [Map 5: Region about Sandtown Ferry, GA., July 5, 1864]; Map to show lines of march of Second Army Corps and the enemy Oct. 14, 1863.; Map of Battle-Field at Bristoe fought by 2d Army Corps commanded by Maj. Gen. G. K. Warren October 14 1863.; Map of Missionary Ridge, Tenn. showing the positions attacked by the forces under the command of Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman Nov. 24th and 25th 1863.

Notes: "July" "October 14th" "November 24th" "November 25th" 1861 - Inscribed on Map; 1863 - Inscribed on Map

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