Collection: Osher Collection
Name: Map of the Fall Campaign of the Army of Missouri Maj. Gen. Sterling Price Commanding in Sept. Oct. Nov., 1864 Capt. T.J. Mackey, Chf. Engr
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Alternative Title: [No. 2. Map of the Battle of Chickamuga showing the Positions of the Confederate and Federal Armies on the 19th September, 1863.] [No. 3. Map of the Battle of Chickamuga showing the Positions of the Confederate and Federal Armies on the 19th September, 1863] [No. 1. Map of the Battle of Chickamuga showing the Positions of the Confederate and Federal Armies at midnight on the 18th September, 1863, the night previous to the general engagements of the 19th and 20th Sept, or the Battle of Chickamauga.] [Map of the Engagement at Wauchie, Tenn. October 28th and 29th 1863 and of the Operations of the 11th and 12th Army Corps preliminary thereto.]
Digitized: Yes
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