Map of route of the Army of the Valley from Franklin, Pendleton CO., VA., May 15th, 1862, to the Battle of Winchester, May 25th, 1862, and the pursuit of the enemy.

↑ Parent: Atlas to accompany the official records of the Union and Confederate Armies published under the direction of the Hon. Daniel S. Lamont, Secretary of War Maj. George B. Davis U.S.A. Mr. Leslie J. Perry Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley Board of Publication Compiled by Capt. Calvin D. Cowles 23d. U.S. Infantry Part XVII.

Collection: Osher Collection

Name: Map of route of the Army of the Valley from Franklin, Pendleton CO., VA., May 15th, 1862, to the Battle of Winchester, May 25th, 1862, and the pursuit of the enemy.


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Alternative Title: Sketch of the Battle of Winchester, VA., Sunday, May 25th, 1862; Route of Gen. Jackson's Army to the Battle of Cedar Run, VA.; Sketch of the battle of Cedar Run, VA., Saturday, August 9th, 1862.; Sketch of the battles of Port Republic, VA., June 8th and 9th, 1862.; Title to maps Nos. 6 to 41 (incl.) Sketches accompanying journal of Capt. Jed. Hotchkiss, C. S. Army, Chief Engr 2d Corps, A. of N. V.; 63. Attack in A.M. of Aug 25th, 1864, on Federal advance 2 ms. N.E. of Leetown.; 64. Attack in P.M. of Aug. 25th, 1864, on Federal retreat, near Shepherdstown, VA.; 65. Engagement at Williamsport, VA. and MD., Aug. 25th, 1864.; 66. Engagement of Fitz Lee's Cavalry, Smithfield, VA. Aug. 28th, 1864.; 67. Skirmish by Wharton's Division, Aug. 29th, 1864.; 68. Sept. 13th, 1864.; 69. Position of Wharton's Div., sunrise to 9 A.M., Battle of Winchester, Sept. 19th, 1864.; 70. Position of Wharton's Div. at Noon, Battle of Winchester, Sept. 19th, 1864.; 71. Position of Confederates near Winchester, VA., at 8 A.M. Sept. 19th, 1864.; 72. Position of Confederates at Winchester, VA., 3 P.M., Sept. 19th, 1864.; 73. Battle of Winchester, Sept. 19th, 1864. Position of forces at 5 O'Clock, P.M.; 74. Position of Confederates at Winchester, VA. late in P.M. of Sept. 19th, 1864.; 75 Munford's BR. VA. Cav. near Winchester, at dark, Sept. 19th, 1864.; 76. Attack on Munford's VA. Cavalry near Front Royal, VA., at daylight, Sept. 20th, 1864.; 77. Wharton's Division at Fisher's Hill. Sept. 22nd, 1864.; 78. Confederates at Mt. Jackson, VA., Sept. 23, 1864.; Sept. 23, 1864.; 81. Confederate stand at Rude's Hill, VA., Sept. 24, 1864.; 82. Position of forces near New Market, Sept. 24, 1864.; 83. Confederate stand at New Market, VA., Sept. 24, 1864.; 84. Position of Confederates at Tenth Legion, VA., Sept. 24, 1864.; 85. Position of Breckinridge's (Wharton's) Div. at mouth of Brown's Gap, Sept. 26th, 1864.; 86. Attack on Federal cavalry near Weyer's Cave, VA., Sept. 27th, 1864.; 87. Wharton's Division at Waynesborough, VA., Sept. 28th, 1864.; Action at Waynesborough, VA., Sept. 28th, 1864, by Wickham's VA. Cavalry Brigade, (Col. Munford, comd'g.) 88.; 89. Action of Wickham's Cav. Brig., (Munford, comd'g.) Oct. 4 and 5, 1864.; 90. Rosser's Attack on Custer, Oct. 7, 1864.; 95. Confederate cavalry at Battle of Cedar Creek, in A.M. Oct. 19th, 1864.; 91. Cavalry engagements, Oct. 9th, 1864.; 92. Confed. cavalry, Oct. 13th, 1864.; Advance to Hupp's Hill, Oct. 13th, 1864. 93.; 94. Hupp's Hill, Oct. 13th, 1864.; Confederate cavalry Battle of Cedar Cr, VA., P.M. of Oct. 19th, 1864. 96.; 97. Nov. 11th, 1864.; 98. Cavalry engagement, Nov. 12th, 1864.; 80. Sept. 24, 1864.


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