War Maps and Diagrams.

Collection: Osher Map Library Collection

Name: War Maps and Diagrams.


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Dimensions: 40 x 33 or smaller, 52 x 36 cm on sheet

Historical Context: The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861 and ended on May 26, 1865. the main conflict leading to the war was the dispute over slavery and its expansion to the west. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860, he opposed the expansion which let to seven southern states to secede from the Union. More southern states joined the secession and became a confederacy electing Jefferson Davis as their president.  The compilation of maps and diagrams depicts the vastness of the conflict with forces on both sides spread out over much of the mid-Atlantic and Southern United States and parts of the Midwest.

LC Call Number: G3701.S5 1861 N4

OCLC: 75544738

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