War Maps and Diagrams.
Osher Map Library Collection
Name: War Maps and Diagrams.
Barcode: 58973
Publishing Location: New York
Brief Description: p.1: Positions of the rebel forces in Virginia p.2: Seat of war on the upper Potomac : Field of battle Tuesday July 2, 1861 between General Patterson's Union Troops and General Jackson's rebel forces. Intrenchments at Newport News before the Battle of Big Bethel. Harper's Ferry and its vicinity. Sebastopol of the Gulf of Mexico : the probably rendezvous of the Northern naval forces. View of Pensacola harbor and defences Col. Wallaces positions at Cumberland. Topographical sketch of Fort Monroe. Contemplated division of State of Virginia. Cairo and Junction of Ohio and Mississippi. p.3: Bull's Run battle field. Pensacola and its defences: the range of the guns at Fort Pickens, McCrea and Barancas : the locations of the fleet. Positions of the Union and rebel forces in Virginia. Savannah and its defences held by the rebels. p.4: The seat of war in the west : Map of the scene of operations in Southeastern Missouri, Illinois and Tennessee, with the positions of the rebel troops and portions of the Federal forces an the defences at Cairo and Bird's Point. Baltimore and its defences. Proposed new arsenal at Rock Island. p. 5: Battle of Bull Run : Topographical view of the field of operations: Gen. Mc Dowell's official map showing the position of the troops before and at the engagments. Map of parts of Virginia, Maryland, and Delaware showing the seat of war and the surrounding country. P .6: Battle of Wilson's Creek: the plan of the battle field of Wilson's and Davis' creek as called by the Unionists, or Oak Hill, as designated by the Rebels. Upper Potomac: showing the seat of strife at Hainesville. |t Plan of Memphis and its approaches. |t St. Louis and its defences. |t Fort Monroe, Norfolk and Chesapeake Bay. |t Mississippi from above Cairo to Memphis : showing the supposed location at the rebel camp. Diagram of the camp at Cairo. Mobile and its defences held by the rebels. |t Key to the Chesapeake. p.7: Birds-eye view of the United States: portraying at a glance those states which have seceded those which are loyal and those which profess to be neutral. Point of rocks: place where Bollman's rock was blown up. Charleston Bay, Fort Sumter and surroundings. State line between Pennsylvania and Maryland where are located ten Pennsylvania reserve regiments to support Col. Wallace. Postion of the Rebels at Harper's Ferry previous to the evacuation. Gosport Navy yard previous to the fire. p.7: Operations of the naval expedition: Map of the coast and inlets of North Carolina: important geographical position of Hatteras inlet. Captured forts at Hatteras Inlet: position of the Union Troops and squadron and the rebel fort Hatteras and Clark.
Publisher: New York Herald
Date/Date Range Published: Sep 11th, 1861
Language: English
Region Depicted: United States
Map Type: GeographicalHistorical maps
Dimensions: 40 x 33 or smaller, 52 x 36 cm on sheet
Historical Context: The American Civil War began on April 12, 1861 and ended on May 26, 1865. the main conflict leading to the war was the dispute over slavery and its expansion to the west. When Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860, he opposed the expansion which let to seven southern states to secede from the Union. More southern states joined the secession and became a confederacy electing Jefferson Davis as their president. The compilation of maps and diagrams depicts the vastness of the conflict with forces on both sides spread out over much of the mid-Atlantic and Southern United States and parts of the Midwest.
LC Call Number: G3701.S5 1861 N4
OCLC: 75544738
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