Tabula generalis totius Belgii qua Provinciae XVII. Infer. Germaniae olim sub S.I.R. Circulo Burgundiae comprehensae nunc in varias potentias tum liberas, utpote Prov. VII Foederatas, tum reliquas Hispaniae et Galliae coronis subjectas, separatae ostenduntur.

↑ Parent: [Homann Heirs Composite Atlases] 2

Collection: Smith Collection

Name: Tabula generalis totius Belgii qua Provinciae XVII. Infer. Germaniae olim sub S.I.R. Circulo Burgundiae comprehensae nunc in varias potentias tum liberas, utpote Prov. VII Foederatas, tum reliquas Hispaniae et Galliae coronis subjectas, separatae ostenduntur.


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Notes: Color outline and wash. General map of all of Belgium as the XVII Provinces of lower Germania once under S.R.I. Circle of Burgundy, taken now in shifting power then free, namely the VII Federated Provinces, then remaining Spanish and French subjects of the crown, discretely shown.

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