↑ Parent: [Homann Heirs Composite Atlases] 3
Collection: Smith Collection
Name: Hassie Superioris et Wetterau. Partis Delineatio, cum Descriptione Castrorum Prope Giessam Et Conivincitionis ad urbam Travnici et Batianici Exercituum, Serenissimo Principu ac Domino Dno. Ludouico Hassiae Landgravio, Principi Hersfeldiae, etc. etc. etc. [Similar but not exact to the map in the volume which precedes it]
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Notes: Colored outline and wash. From Atlas Germaniae Specialis Tabularum Geographicarum... [1753 Vol. VI] [1753 Vol. VI] This is not an exact copy of the map which precedes it in the volume. It is very similar, but there is different writing in the very lower right hand corner above the word Urb]
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