Rails of New England

Collection: Osher Map Library Collection

Title: Rails of New England


Image Number:


Date/Date Range: 2010


Notes: 1 game (1 game board, 250 cards including 35 'S' (Start) Businesses, 7 for each state, 51 Period 'A' Cards, 59 Period 'B' Cards, 53 Period 'C' Cards, 22 Economic Condition Cards, 4 Required Event Cards, 16 other Event Cards, 6 Mail Contracts, 4 State Subsidy Cards, 5 Player Mats (1 for each starting state), 175 color cubes (35 each of 5 colors) for use as depots or other playing aids, 10 white cubes, 1 Start Player marker (white locomotive), 1 Turn marker (black locomotive), Loan tokens and Income Markers in 3 colors, Bonus and Connected tokens, play money, ten-sided die & Rules booklet) ; in container, 44 x 31 x 6 cm

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