
  • New Exhibition: Mapping Africa

    Plymouth State University's Lamson Library has a new exhibition, 1 February through 31 March 2013, entitled Mapping Africa: Myths and Realities. According to the notice, itfeatures fourteen antique maps from the collection of Dr. Richard A. Lobban, J...

  • New Exhibition: Maps in Early American Life

    The Winterthur Museum, in Delaware, will host a major new exhibition Common Destinations: Maps in the American Experience, 20 April 2013 to 5 January 2014. The museum's website for the exhibition reveals the variety of forms taken by m...

  • Map-Art Exhibit in Brunswick, Maine

    "Standing navigation on the end of a needle" is an installation by Cynthia Davis at the Coleman Burke Gallery, in the Fort Andros complex (right beside Frontier cafe), Brunswick, Maine, until 16 March 2013. As the gallery's brief write-up explains, ...

  • Some advice to Anglophones presenting at ICHC

    I just found myself writing an email to a US grad student who will be attending their first International Conferences on the History of Cartography [ICHC], offering some advice that should perhaps be more broadly disseminated. So, I have decided...

  • Terry Jones Great Map Mystery

    One of my favorite historians/comedian actors, yes Mr. Monty Python himself Terry Jones did a series called 'Terry Jones Great Map Mystery.' Espisode One covers the John Ogilby's ribbon road map atlas. A copy of the very same atlas is available ...

  • WWI Guidebooks at the Osher Map Library

    World War I was not long over before Michelin was putting out guidebooks for the battlefield tourist. Thanks to donor Richard Auletta, the Osher Map Library has six in this series.  They are sturdy cloth-bound guides featuring many photographs o...

  • WWI Era Atlases at the Osher Map Library

    Europe at war: a  red book  of the greatest war of history: why and how Europe went to battle--men, guns, forts, ships, and aircraft of the warring countries--food supply, finances--the kaiser and other great personalities--stories of Alsac...

  • Political Bias in Middle Eastern Maps

    The Guardian (London) reports that maps of Palestine and Israel in Palestinian and Israeli school books generally omit the other country or the border between them. The newspaper coverage is based on a report, "Victims of Our Own Narratives? Por...

  • Great interactive tool to teach the distortions of the Mercator Projection

    Some wonderful people have made an interactive puzzle that wonderfully demonstrates how the Mercator Projection distorts size towards either pole. You start with 15 red countries scattered across a Mercator Projection of the world. A detail of the in...

  • Fun little online app: Map Fight!

    MapFight is a fun little online app ~ anonymous ~ that let's users compare the sizes of different countries and U.S. states. It's very useful in giving a sense of the sheer size of foreign places when users lack experience with them. For example, Mai...