OML has acquired a small collection of private papers from the archives of Lemuel Moody (1767-1846), famous for his work in creating the Portland Observatory (1807-9). He also made and published, in 1825, a chart of Casco Bay and Portland harbor. Thi...
ISHM ~ the International Society for the History of the Map ~ is about to enter it's second year. Everyone is invited to join. By doing so you will receive a reduced subscription to Imago Mundi, the main journal in the field. (The combined ...
The Atlantic magazine has published its list of the "best of 2012" . . . maps!Despite the chronological limitation, there is one early map in the post -- of Estonia from what looks to me to be an edition of Ortelius's Theatrum orbis terrarum, co...
The 2013 series of Nebenzahl Lectures will address the mapping of the early U.S. Republic and the War of 1812. For information about the lectures, and the forthcoming series as it becomes available, please refer to the site of the Newberry's Hermon D...
The 25th International Conference on the History of Cartography, under the heading “The Four Elements,” will be held in Helsinki, Finland, 30 June – 5 July 2013. The conference is hosted by the Cartographic Society of Finland, under the ae...
Cartography Corner contains news about recent achievements and upcoming opportunities taking place in OML's K-12 Education Outreach programs.CartographyCornerWinterSpring2012...