A tour to Spa :Through the Austrian Netherlands, and French Flanders ; and from Spa to Dusseldorff, up the Rhine, to Frankfort ; and through Manheim, Strasburg, Nancy, and Rheims, to St. Omer, and Calais.

Collection: Monkhouse Collection

Page Name: A tour to Spa :Through the Austrian Netherlands, and French Flanders ; and from Spa to Dusseldorff, up the Rhine, to Frankfort ; and through Manheim, Strasburg, Nancy, and Rheims, to St. Omer, and Calais.

Name: A tour to Spa :Through the Austrian Netherlands, and French Flanders ; and from Spa to Dusseldorff, up the Rhine, to Frankfort ; and through Manheim, Strasburg, Nancy, and Rheims, to St. Omer, and Calais.

Barcode: 54903


Publishing Location:

Date Produced: 1774


Dimensions: 18 x 11 cm

Brief Description: A guidebook of travels through the Austrian Netherlands through to Calais in France which was part of the Grand Tour of the 17th and 18th century. It was a traditional trip through Europe by young wealthy European men when they turned twenty-one.

Historical Context: This was part of the Grand Tour of the 17th and 18th century taken by wealthy European men when they came of age at twenty-one.

LC Call Number: DG424 1774.R5

OCLC: 1246252159

Accession Number: MON-1774-13
