A Description of New England or observations and discoveries in the north of America in the year of Our Lord 1614, with the success of six ships that went the next year, 1615 by John Smith with a fac-simile of the original map

Collection: Osher Collection

Page Name: A Description of New England or observations and discoveries in the north of America in the year of Our Lord 1614, with the success of six ships that went the next year, 1615 by John Smith with a fac-simile of the original map

Name: A Description of New England or observations and discoveries in the north of America in the year of Our Lord 1614, with the success of six ships that went the next year, 1615 by John Smith with a fac-simile of the original map


Image Number:

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Date Produced: 1865


Physical Description: 89 p. Maps


LC Call Number: F229.S636 C3 1865

OCLC: 12778687

Accession Number: OS-1865-1
